FREE Website Audit
Wondering if your website/small business needs SEO?
Enter your website url and email below. I’ll tell you within 24 hours.
Luc Atangana
Meet Your SEO specialist
Hi, I’m Luc. I’m a digital marketing consultant that specializes in Web Development and SEO. I help small business owners create, maintain, and optimize their online presence with fine-tuned websites and comprehensive SEO strategy.
Whether you need to grow your online precense from scratch, or increase it from where it is currently, you first need to know how well your website is doing online.
I’ll help you do that.
Luc Atangana
Why An SEO audit?
If you ask most SEO specialist “Do I need SEO?”, there’s a good chance most will tell you yes, reguardless of your website, business, and/or industry.
You can’t really blame them (well you could technicaly). After all, to a SEO specialist, SEO is his/her your livelyhood. It only makes sense you’d want to sell it any time you can, to as many people as possible.
Though it is technically true that most businesses need SEO reguardless of business or industry, the level of SEO you need can widely differ depending on what kinda business you run, or what industry you’re in.
For example, if you decided that you would like to start selling pink & blue plastic-free reusable grocery bags, you’d probably need less SEO than someone in the real estate industry.
The real estate industry is extremely competitive and trying to rank a website in that industry would take hurculean efforts.
However, the plastic-free reusable grocery bags industry is alot less competitive. If you wanted to sell only pink & blue bag of that kind, it would take little effort to start ranking for keywords like “pink plastic-free reusable bag” or “pink plastic-free reusable bag”. This is because you could possibly be the only person anywhere online selling a product that specific.
In this case, if someone were to search for a product that specific, Google and other search engines would have to show your website since you’re the only one (or one of only a few) business selling that product.
I’m probably breaking some kinda SEO rule by letting you in on this little known fact. But, I don’t care. I’ve never been one to follow the crowd blindly. The business decisions I make are more driven by transparency and integrity than by the greed of making as much money as possible.
SEO Audit Features
What you get?
Below are some of the insights you will gain from this FREE audit.
- Your rankings on search engines for potential keywords.
- Your domain authority.
- Inbound links to your website.
- Your search visibility.
- Potential keyword search volumes.
- Keyword Suggestions.
- Discover crawl issues.
Get started today
Get your FREE website audit
Don’t know whether your small business/website needs SEO? Enter your information below and get started with a free audit.